Employee Leave Management System :

1:- Project Description :

The Employee Leave Management System is a web-based application. The system allows employees to apply for leave, view their leave balances, and track the status of their requests. Managers or HR, on the other hand, can review and approve or reject leave requests, manage employee leave balances.

2:- Project Overview :

(1) The Employee Leave Management System consists of two main components: the frontend and the backend. The frontend is developed using Vue.js, which provides a responsive and intuitive user interface for employees and managers to interact with the system. The frontend communicates with the backend through RESTful APIs.

(2) The backend is developed using the Go language, which provides high performance, concurrency, and scalability. The backend is responsible for handling the business logic of the system, such as processing leave requests, and managing employee leave balances.

(3) The system uses MongoDB as the database, which stores all the data related to employees, leave requests, and leave balances. MongoDB provides high performance, scalability, and flexibility, making it suitable for large-scale applications.

3:- Features :

(1) Employee self-service portal to apply for leave and view leave balances.

(2) Approver portal to review and approve or reject leave requests.

(3) Dashboard to view leave balances, leave history, and upcoming leave requests.

Overall, the Employee Leave Management System streamlines the process of managing employee leave requests, reduces paperwork, and improves the accuracy and efficiency of leave management within an organization.

4:- Technologies Used :

(1) Backend: Golang

(2) Frontend: Vuejs, KendoUI, Bootstrap

(3) Database: MongoDB

Project information

  • Category Web Application
  • Project date 20 Jan, 2023
  • Visit Website